Sunday, October 12, 2008

Project Runway, Sophie style...

Every Sunday night we gather round the tv and watch project runway. Sophie and Jack especially love it. Tonight Sophie surprised us all and came out in a "wedding gown" that she had designed. Jack wants in on the design action as well. After Sophie came up with her outfit, Jack leaned over and asked, "Dad, would it be ok when I grow up if I'm a football player and a designer?"


Brooke said...

Soph you are taking after your aunt Brooke with your passion for playing dress-up! I am very proud of your outfit choice! I'll make sure to give you some more pointers when I come home. As for you Jackie, Uncle Gabe can vouch that it's okay to grow up to be a designer. Not everyone has to play football!!I'm just grateful Gabe can offer balance to the O'Neil meat-head mentality. It's not a sin to encourage creativity.

TRICIA said...

What a fashionista! And the fact that Jack wants to be a designer. . .that's fierce!

Nelson Family said...

Hey Brian and Wendy! What a cute blog! Your kids are adoreable! Lovin' Sophie's outfit! She's a natural!

Our blog is private.....send us an email and I'll put you on if you'd like.

Lizz said...

I'll let Janice Dickinson know her new designs are on their way.