Sunday, October 5, 2008

The "drift and pause technique"...

My grandfather, many, many, years ago taught drivers education. He is really old now (I think 86) and he still drives. The last time I drove with him was a few years back when we went golfing together. The positive news is he is still active and interested in his family. The bad news is his driving skills have not kept up with his golf game. I remember describing to Wendy (relieved after returning from our round of golf) that he didn't seem to bother looking in his mirrors before changing lanes. I described to her that he had this technique where he'd slowly drift over to the desired lane and then pause...if he heard a honk it meant there was a car present and he would correct. Unfortunately sometimes cars are present and before they have a chance to honk, he "bumps" into them. Over the past few years he's had at least a few fender benders...that we know of. We went up to my grandparents to visit today and I couldn't help but notice more "dings" in his two cars than ever before. I hope the "drift and pause" technique is working out better for his old students than it is for him!


Anonymous said...

Yikes! Thanks for the heads up, I'll be on the lookout for and stay clear if I see a red Mercury or tan'ish Camry :)

Brooke & Gabe Anderson said...

The last time I rode in Grandpa's car while he was driving, he was trying to pull out of a parking spot when Grandma said, "by the skin of your teeth" at that point Grandpa banged into the other car and left a noticeable dent. His reaction-"not enough skin". And then he drove away.

gabe said...

ya- big Don takes the term "bumpers" a little too literally.

John and Heidi said...

All I could do is laugh at this!!! I have put a few dings in the van without using your grandfathers set up. thanks

Jacob went to the fire station near the corner of Bangeter and 12600 south in Riverton. We were there about 10am

Lizz said...

drift and pause...hmmm...makes sense. Might as well get some use out of this insurance we've been paying into for 10 years...could have bought 2 new cars by now!

The Bailey's said...

I hate to admit that I put one of those dings in the red car. Oops! But at least I knew I hit someone.