Saturday, July 5, 2008

The big Steamboat Rodeo

Sophie says you have to look the part at the rodeo.

The kids favorite rodeo event is the mutten busting.
(the kids go into the arena and chase a sheep) Sophie and Jack worked as a team and really got the competitive juices flowing. It was even more fun for us to watch!

And their off, the lamb is obsured amoungst the kids.

Jack and Dad are celebrating a succesfull mutten bust. Jack wants to train for next years event in the backyard.

The rodeo was winding down and Sophie and Jack were anxiously awaiting the fireworks show.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

I love the picture of the kids hanging on the railing. Soph is definitely dwarfing Jack these days. But thats alright, I had Bryson dwarfed for multiple years.