Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A few random pictures with my new camera...

The full moon from our back porch...I froze my butt off to take this shot.
I brought Wendy home a dessert...she's on a diet.  That means she just eats the dessert slowly.  There's fewer calories that way.
This cat sheds so much, as soon as it gets warm I'm kicking him out of the house!
Sophie and Wendy after school knocking out some home work.


Mike, Julie and Braden said...

Very nice. How are you liking it so far?

Brandon and Krystyn said...

The picture you took of the moon is pretty awesome! All the pictures look great!

Brooke said...

What kind of camera did you get? We just bought a video camera. Its really sweet. Do you realize how different Sophie looks? It's insane. I asked my coworkers how old she looks and everyone said 12...let me know your plans for New York!

gabe said...

Nice pictures. Way to sacrifice for the shot on the moon picture. We can't wait for you guys to come visit us.